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Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Anchor Holds

                    The Anchor Holds


When the storms in life come your way what will anchor you? Will it be your house, your job, your bank account or your family? The truth is that nothing can anchor you except God Almighty. He is in full control of everything. He is the one and only true living God. He sent His son to die for our sins to pay a price that we could not pay. He loves us so much that He sacrificed His only son to make a way for us to be in Heaven with Him for eternity.

This world is not our home. He said that He was going away to prepare a place for us that where He is, there we may be also. The Bible is the Holy Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is what anchors you if you are a Christian. If you don't live by the word of God and stand for it's truth, then you have no basis to live by. You have no roots to be grounded in. You have no anchor.

If you stand for nothing or for everything,(co-exist) then you fall for anything. You have no boundaries, no laws, no basis to govern anything. Anarchy is what is coming. When people can deliberately disobey the law and get away with it, then why would anyone even try to do what is right. Those who want order and laws to be obeyed will be forced to defend themselves. Every day I am seeing the Bible prophecies of the end times being fulfilled.

If you haven't decided to make the Lord God Almighty your Savior, I beg you to do so. We are experiencing those birth pains that the Lord said would happen before His return. There is nothing in this world worth losing your own soul for.

There is a devil's hell. If you choose not to accept Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then that is where you will spend eternity.

God is a God of love. He didn't want robots to worship Him. He wanted people who would choose to love Him. He longs for a one on one relationship with each one of us. He has given each one of us the choice to choose to live for Him.

There will be storms in each one of our lives. Spiritual storms, financial difficulties, family problems and relationship problems, job difficulties all these things are a part of life. It is nice to know that when these dark times come there is an anchor you can hold onto that won't let you go. That anchor is the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the same God that was on the ship with the disciples when the winds and the waves rose up strong and hard. Jesus was below on the ship asleep. The disciples grew afraid and yelled, "Jesus help us!"
Jesus came up on top of the ship and spoke but a few words and calmed the winds and the waves.

The winds and the waves obey His words. We may be living in troubled times, but we don't have to be filled with fear. God is in control and He promised never to leave us nor forsake us.

There were two trees one was a pine tree. Pine trees don't grow deep roots and when the strong winds come they snap and fall to the ground. An oak tree grows deep roots and when the storms and winds come they stand strong for years and years. That is how it is when you are a Christian and you are rooted and grounded in the Word of God, The Holy Bible. When you apply the Bible to your life it strengthens your roots and gives you grounds to be anchored in.
If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything, as the old song says.

I don't want to fall for anything. I want my life to matter for Him and one day to see Him face to face and hear Him say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
No more pain, no more night, no evil. Only basking in the Love and majesty of My Lord and Savior. I hope we'll be there together. I hope you find your anchor in the midst of the storm that is brewing.