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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Signs Are Everwhere

   We may be scared about the future of America with all the political mumbojumbo going on in this election and with this current presidency. We don't have to be. Remember the old Christian song that says, "because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know HE HOLDS THE FUTURE my life is worth the living just because He lives. Written by Bill and Gloria Gaithor. Wow, HE HOLDS THE FUTURE! Whatever your situation that has you gripped with fear, give it to Jesus. He will take care of it. Nothing is impossible with God. This election year I have heard many comments on who will be elected president. We should vote for who we think will do the best job. Ultimately it is not up to us. God has a plan and He will put in office who He chooses to and who will fulfill His plan. It might not be a Christian, but rather someone without Christian faith that God will use to fulfill His purpose. We are living in a time where the Bible is being fulfilled right before our very eyes. We as a church need to wake up and get as many people who are lost and undone without Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to repent of their sins and invite Jesus in their hearts. The birth pains are just beginning. Trust in Him today and know that He is in control.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Be still and know that I am God.

Oh, how hard it is to be still. We live in an instant society. We don't have to wait. We have become accustomed to getting everything at record speed.  So, when God asks us to be still, we become filled with frustration, worry and then fear creeps in that leads to doubt.

God promises to never leave you nor for sake you. He wants us to learn to trust Him. He loves us and He only wants the best for His children.
.Trust and obey, there us no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. (as the old song says.)