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What a Day!

This is the day the Lord has made and whether you feel good or bad, it is still a day that God has given to us as a gift. A gift that we need to take advantage of and make the most of it to advance the Kingdom of Heaven. I know this sounds like a lot of religious jargon. But, the truth is if we stop and count the good things in our lives, for most of us, they out weigh the bad things that we fret and worry over. I am the number  one  person who likes to whine over the bad. God isn't pleased with me taking his gift and wasting it on my problems. He is in control and when I learn to except that, then I will be free to help others to be encouraged in their Christian walk.

We are in a spiritual warfare. If there was ever a time for we as Christians to suit up in the full armor of God it is now. We need to strengthen ourselves spiritually in order to be able to stand for the Lord when our persecution comes our way. We need to train ourselves like soldiers being instant in season to defend and uphold the Word of God.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see on the news that everything in the Bible is shaping up just as God has told us it would. If you are asked to defend your faith no matter the cost, will you be ready too. I hope it doesn't come to that for many of us. I pray that God comes back for His children and takes us home to be with Him.

I wouldn't want to take the chance of being left here to go through the Great Tribulation. We are right on the brink of The lord coming back. No one knows the day, nor the hour. He did call us to watch and be ready. To go about our witnessing for Him, but to know that He will come with a shout and a trumpet will sound and in the blink of an eye, one will be left and one will be gone. The dead in Christ shall rise first and then those who are in Christ Jesus will be caught up in the air.

Glory, Hallelujah!!! I can't wait until the day He calls us home. He will wipe the tears from our eyes, there will be no pain, no sorrow and no danger, fear or evil. We will live with Him in perfect peace, praising His Holy name forever. JESUS!!!!JESUS!!!!

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